Friday, March 5, 2010

Cheese Tasting

Writers of Walden tasted a variety of cheeses and tried to describe them.  One of our great cheese enthusiasts, Jaceck Adams, wrote this poem about the experience.  We particularly liked the local Apple Walnut Smoked Cheddar from Beehive Cheese:

Cheese Platter

by Jacek Adams, 8th Grade

While the rest of the school was nigh in fifth period,

the Walden Journal class wasn't in any period,

With plates not heaped high nor platters bare,

They brought in food, and ate it like hares.

Rosemary sea salt, the crackers read,

while Hagen Daas  five the ice-cream said.

There was chicken salad, without the chicken

because some eat meat as if they were kin.

But the stars of the show were not of these three,

dairy products too, they happened to be.

O, Wenslydale, O, Manchego,

O, Bleu Cheese and Cheddar

And last but not least FROMAGER DAFFINIOIS!

The First one was smooth, creamy and nutty

unlike any other, it was light and fruity

Manchego was opposite, filled with crusty firm curds,

that were sour and dour and left you ignored.

The cheddar, for thus is the short hand,*

was kin to gouda as it soared through different flavors.

Smokey and smooth, while creamy, unlike ores.

The Bleu Cheese was strong and not only in odor,

for it scared many away with its powerful exploder.

And the French Cheese, ol' short hand again, was runny but floated softly away,

It flew like a cloud saying goodbye, and never turning back on the fly.

And the Ice cream was four strong, all in good taste.

Passion fruit, ginger, mint, and vanilla.

The crackers were joined with the cheese,

and salad was gone, before you could sneeze.

Thus is the way, of eating gourmet.

When it comes next time, be here in a breeze.

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